Vol.52,No.11 (2024)
- 原著論文
- [ 要約 ]
(株)ダスキン 遠藤 利恵,御厨 真幸,今西 正博,荻野 文敏…473
大阪市立自然史博物館 浜田 信夫
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
摂南大学 農学部 加藤 直樹…481
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
ナノ・マイクロバイオ研究所・中西技術士事務所 中西 弘一…489
- 講座
- [ 要約 ]
関西大学システム理工学部 伊藤 健…497
- JMoC和文ダイジェスト
アクアス(株) つくば総合研究所 井上 浩章,田口 真鈴,北爪麻奈実,齊藤 幸恵,岩澤 智幸…503
- 定量リアルタイムPCR法を用いたBacillus subtilis芽胞細胞DNAの局在性と抽出効率について
公益財団法人 東洋食品研究所 中野 みよ…505
- 海外文献抄録
- …坂上 吉一…488
- 日本防菌防黴学会会則
- …507
- 日本防菌防黴学会運営細則
- …509
- 会報
- …520
- カレンダー
- …和文目次裏
<English> Vol.52,No.11 (2024)
- Original Paper
Test of the effectiveness of different wiping tools for the removal of fungal attack on wooden floors.
- …by Rie ENDO, Masayuki MIKURIYA, Masahiro IMANISHI,
Fumitoshi OGINO, and Nobuo HAMADA…473
- Lecture
- Basic lecture of bacteria and fungi producing spore
(5) Bioactive secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi and their application
- …by Naoki KATO…481
- Lecture
- View point of microbial safety assurance for spore-forming bacterial control in food processing field
(8) Stepping up from spore-forming bacterial control to microbial safety assurance
- …by Koichi NAKANISHI…489
- Lecture
- New Antimicrobial Technique by Nano-micro Structure
(6) Fabrication of ordered nano-textures “NanoSpike” and its application for antimicrobial properties
- …by Takeshi ITO…497
- Japanese digest of JMoC
Ethambutol inhibited the growth of acid-fast bacteria and enhanced the detection of Legionella in environmental water samples
- …by Hiroaki INOUE, Marin TAGUCHI, Manami KITAZUME,
Yukie SAITO, and Tomoyuki IWASAWA…503
Spore-DNA localization and extraction efficiencies of Bacillus subtilis for accurate results in quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction
- …by Miyo NAKANO…505
- Abstracts from Overseas Journals
- …by Yoshikazu SAKAGAMI…488
- The Regulations of the Society for Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents, Japan
- …507
- Detailed Rules for the Management of the Society for Antibacterial and Antifungal
Agents, Japan
- …509
- Society Activities
- …520
- Calendar
- …Reverse Page of the Contents in Japanese